
"It is true, and thus the question of whether it is sad or happy has no meaning whatever."
Bernhard Schlink

Science is best when discussed: leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Last week I had lots of fun writing Dupont circle haikus over at DCSOB, that when I saw a page of double dactyls over at the Nielsen Haydens' place, I had to start my own amateur poetry bit.

Add your own (for rules, see above link)!!!

Plié Plié Plié
Mikhail Barishnakoff
Has danced the seven veils
In his fishnets

His audience stood up
Ran from the theater
Money for debts


Internet vagrancies
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Helps me procrastinate
Some days at work

Attentional shifting
Ominous deadlines do
Before me lurk


Murderous roadraging
Mister Mitsubishi
Cut me off at the light
Sodding cabbie

But a fool would commute
Let traffic pass me by
Be less crabby

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