Monday, June 06, 2005
Soviet America
Well, the Bush-Nazi comparisons are deja-done, so of course now we have to move on. Seen on the MARC commuter train (between Baltimore and DC) today, this picture pretty much sums up the new "National Security:"

Polarized lenses (made from Polaroid or a similar material) to reduce glare caused by light reflected from polarizing surfaces such as water (see Brewster's angle for how this works) as well as by polarized diffuse sky radiation (skylight).
Crystal Custom
Promotional Sunglasses
Promo Sunglasses
Personalized sunglasses
Customized sunglasses
Everything is very open with a very clear description of the challenges. It was really informative. Your site is very useful. Thanks for sharing!
That is so Soviet as to be erie. I swear they ripped off a Soviet poster down to the color of the people's shirts. If memory serves correct, it was a Olympics poster even.
I love it. I certainly dispise communism but I loved the artwork - in fact, I have many original posters framed in my apartment. Great to see this artistic style making a comback.
I wonder if it's real or guerrilla art. If it's real, I still wonder if maybe the designer is pulling a fast on on his employers.
Um... although this style is often associated with 1930s communism. It was also very popular in the U.S. Look at much of the WPA era art work at your local historic library or post office. It's collectivist, sure. But there was a time in America where that was considered a good thing (before we all ran off to our voucher-funded schools and gated communities...)
Is there any certainty whatsoever that this is actually a government issue poster and not a fake? I suspect fakery; I mean, come on; this borders on the ridiculous.
It would be interesting indeed to know if this was real. But it sure could be!
3 years ago there was this conspiracy theory about a new US stamp (57 cents) featuring Nazi symbols.
3 years ago there was this conspiracy theory about a new US stamp (57 cents) featuring Nazi symbols.
I gotta vote for it being guerrilla art.
A check of the MTA website shows no "MARC Marshalls":
Great job, though.
A check of the MTA website shows no "MARC Marshalls":
Great job, though.
There is zero evidence that this is real.
Some clues that this is fake: There’s no MARC agency branding. Nothing that says it is a MARC poster. No phone number to call to report any suspicious observations. No “ego banner” of elected officials and transpo executives that are typical of just about every gov’t sign or poster.
And as for that cheesy black star that says “Marc Marshall:” more reminiscent of a guerilla marketing campaign logo than the official seal of the Maryland Transit Administration Police Dept.
Some clues that this is fake: There’s no MARC agency branding. Nothing that says it is a MARC poster. No phone number to call to report any suspicious observations. No “ego banner” of elected officials and transpo executives that are typical of just about every gov’t sign or poster.
And as for that cheesy black star that says “Marc Marshall:” more reminiscent of a guerilla marketing campaign logo than the official seal of the Maryland Transit Administration Police Dept.
Transport for London had some similar, but not spoofed, advertisements up in 2002.
Google for "secure beneath the watchful eyes". Those are not photoshopped; I saw them "in the wild" myself.
Google for "secure beneath the watchful eyes". Those are not photoshopped; I saw them "in the wild" myself.
Just to clarify, this is not a style unique to the Soviets. Real or not, the poster draws it inpiration from a style that was common on US, UK, German, and Soviet prop/motivational posters from the mid thirties through WWII.
The fact that there are more than one of these in no way means that it's "the real deal." It could just mean that whoever slapped it up there had more than one of them. :)
I'm surprised (but grateful) that you managed to snap a photo of such a thing without being hauled into the gulag as a terrorist threat, frankly.
you better use caution when taking photos on MARC property - i was arrested for attempting to take a photograph at Odenton on 11 April 2005.
FUCK MARC - i hope all their trains derail.
FUCK MARC - i hope all their trains derail.
I see this poster every day at the Dorsey station (MARC camden line). Allways wanted to take a shot of it and put it on the web... thought it was a bit odd to have that sort of propaganda in this day and age.
It's for sure real though.
It's for sure real though.
My vote goes out for clever fake.
You guys should really protest the photography ban on your rail system-- there was so much popular outcry here (NYC) that a similar ban was struck down. It IS public property, after all.
You guys should really protest the photography ban on your rail system-- there was so much popular outcry here (NYC) that a similar ban was struck down. It IS public property, after all.
Reminds me of this
London Underground, 2002.
London Underground, 2002.
Seriously, why does everyone apart but inside those in the US notice where their country is headed, but they remain blissfully ignorant.
If you look there is a worrying trend of wanting to control everything.
Patriot ACT.
The Paranoia
The extra powers for the FBI
The fact they deem themselves responsible enough to hold prisoners without trial, human rights, what are they again?
The closed source voting system, seriously why does anyone stand for that. It should be impossible to rig an election, yet in America it isn't, and no-one seems to care
And what's with this not being Un-American bullshit, yeah it's nice to have people support your country, but everyone's allowed to have their own opiniton as to whether the Administration is doing a good job or not.
Why does no-one notice how the blatant propaganda has become acceptable?
If you look there is a worrying trend of wanting to control everything.
Patriot ACT.
The Paranoia
The extra powers for the FBI
The fact they deem themselves responsible enough to hold prisoners without trial, human rights, what are they again?
The closed source voting system, seriously why does anyone stand for that. It should be impossible to rig an election, yet in America it isn't, and no-one seems to care
And what's with this not being Un-American bullshit, yeah it's nice to have people support your country, but everyone's allowed to have their own opiniton as to whether the Administration is doing a good job or not.
Why does no-one notice how the blatant propaganda has become acceptable?
So what? It's's a free country...I happen to like the art itself. Yeah I despise the commie way, etc, but I don't see this as an infringement of my rights. The designer had the right to make the poster how he/she wanted it. The local government had the right to approve the poster. You have the right to like it or not like it.
To sum it up, if it's real, great poster! If it's not...still great poster! Would you prefer a hippy happy face telling you to be alert? Or would you prefer a photo of Michael Jackson telling you everything's gonna be ok. (Now that's scary...)
To sum it up, if it's real, great poster! If it's not...still great poster! Would you prefer a hippy happy face telling you to be alert? Or would you prefer a photo of Michael Jackson telling you everything's gonna be ok. (Now that's scary...)
The difference between a police state and America is this: if you went up to the station operator and said: "There's a man over there saying George Bush is a Nazi," the station operator will 1) not care and 2) be too lazy to do anything about it.
Besides the fact you associate this art style with communism (wrongly, as discussed above) what does it say? Report unusual packages, is what it says. Not "report Jews without their armbands" or "report non-Republicans sitting in Republican-only seats" just strange packages.
Being on the lookout for strange packages may seem creepy, but I seem to recall slightly more important policies associated with fascism and communism.
Besides the fact you associate this art style with communism (wrongly, as discussed above) what does it say? Report unusual packages, is what it says. Not "report Jews without their armbands" or "report non-Republicans sitting in Republican-only seats" just strange packages.
Being on the lookout for strange packages may seem creepy, but I seem to recall slightly more important policies associated with fascism and communism.
Monday I called over to MARC to find out where I could get a poster for myself and MARC sent me to the Maryland Transit Authority.
Today MTA called back and said that they were not involved, but they're looking around to see who is.
I'll keep you posted (pun intended).
Today MTA called back and said that they were not involved, but they're looking around to see who is.
I'll keep you posted (pun intended).
soviet communism was a lot like facism you know...
but yeah i dunno whether thats real but it doesnt really look like it
but yeah i dunno whether thats real but it doesnt really look like it
What the hell kind of trains to they have in the US, where the guys tie is blowing like he's in a tornado?
Unless they have really great air conditioning...
Stupid poster...
Unless they have really great air conditioning...
Stupid poster...
But look at that ridiculous typography?! That is excitingly cryllic. Think about how it is illegal to photograph it!
There is no "MARC Marshals." That is what the black badge reads. MARC uses the state government's Maryland Transit Administration Police (MTA).
It is real, or so thinks the MTA/MARC rep I just talked to. She says it's part of an Amtrak/MTA public awareness campain & is looking for the background on it.
Seriously, why does everyone apart but inside those in the US notice where their country is headed, but they remain blissfully ignorant.
No, the media does, thus giving the world the impression that Americans are all asleep and don't notice. We do, believe me, we do, and it has me on the razor edge of suicide at times because I cannot expat myself. Anyone who lives in the US and can get out should probably do so now, and those of us stuck here are going to likely perish or be assimilated. I'll take the former before the latter, but history is littered with the bones of fools like me.
No, the media does, thus giving the world the impression that Americans are all asleep and don't notice. We do, believe me, we do, and it has me on the razor edge of suicide at times because I cannot expat myself. Anyone who lives in the US and can get out should probably do so now, and those of us stuck here are going to likely perish or be assimilated. I'll take the former before the latter, but history is littered with the bones of fools like me.
What's wrong with Communism? Oh right, the're all "evil-doers" and "enemies of freedom".
Get them.
Yes, I am so glad that God is on our side. God hates Pinkos. And hippies.
Get them.
Yes, I am so glad that God is on our side. God hates Pinkos. And hippies.
I'm not really sure why everyone is fixated on the image itself. As someone else pointed out it's very similar to lots of American WPA and other New Deal ers artwork (if you want to call that American communism, go ahead, but it's a different debate).
BUT WHY THE HELL ISN'T ANYONE PICKING UP ON THE TEXT?!?!?! That's the part that is intimidating.
BUT WHY THE HELL ISN'T ANYONE PICKING UP ON THE TEXT?!?!?! That's the part that is intimidating.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with communism! Communism is the *perfect* system - - as long as it's *ON PAPER*. The minute Human Beings get involved, it all goes down the toilet. It's true! Just look at every communist society we've heard about. Those dang Humans wrecked it everytime....
If it's real I think it's trying to say that the RIDERS are the "MARC Marshalls". Sort of like a neighborhood watch deal. A neighborhood in Soviet Russia, but a neighborhood none the less. LOL.
The poster is not any sort of government poster it is trying to poke fun at the state of our country by associating it (and the current government) with communism. Which is rediculous, but hey it's free country. It's ironic actually because most of the "Hate America" groups tend to be neo-communists.
What someone said about Communism being close to fascists is somewhat correct in that they are both Totalitarian Rights were restricted, you were killed if you did not agree with the government, etc. However, the fundemental gap between them was that the communists believed that all property belonged to the government, fascism believed the government could *TAKE* your porperty, rights, life, etc at any time, but until then you kept your property.
To the guy saying "get outof the country while you can"... take your own advice. No one stops you from leaving, by all means get out.
What someone said about Communism being close to fascists is somewhat correct in that they are both Totalitarian Rights were restricted, you were killed if you did not agree with the government, etc. However, the fundemental gap between them was that the communists believed that all property belonged to the government, fascism believed the government could *TAKE* your porperty, rights, life, etc at any time, but until then you kept your property.
To the guy saying "get outof the country while you can"... take your own advice. No one stops you from leaving, by all means get out.
Brave "Anonymous" wrote:
"The poster is not any sort of government poster it is trying to poke fun at the state of our country by associating it (and the current government) with communism. Which is rediculous,"
REDiculous? Interesting spelling there.
"but hey it's free country. "
Uh, not if this is like Soviet Russia. That would kinda be the POINT.
"The poster is not any sort of government poster it is trying to poke fun at the state of our country by associating it (and the current government) with communism. Which is rediculous,"
REDiculous? Interesting spelling there.
"but hey it's free country. "
Uh, not if this is like Soviet Russia. That would kinda be the POINT.
I love it! Being a graphic designer myself - I have longed for some political design that wasn't the highly commrecialized red, white and blue. It doesn't matter if it's real or fake. What matters is that it makes people stop and read it. And then, react. It's not Big Brother. It's not Communism. It's propaganda in poster form. No one seems to get upset about all the faux messages that wallpaper the back-drop behind our Dear Leader when he is speaking at any made-up Town Hall-type gathering. THOSE are an outrage.
Dooby The Cat
Save the whales.
Kille the seals.
Dooby The Cat
Save the whales.
Kille the seals.
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." -- GWB
This imagery shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone in the US right now.
This imagery shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone in the US right now.
I spoke with someone higher up in the Maryland Transit Authority regarding this earlier this afternoon. While the poster is in fact legitimate, it's neither a MTA or a MARC product.
According to the person I spoke with at MTA it's the product of a campaign being run by CSX, the freight transportation company which owns the rail lines MARC operates on.
Which also explains the complete lack of MARC/MTA branding and iconography on the poster.
The rep who spoke with me sounded fairly non-plussed about the campaign as a whole as well.
Personally, I suspect it was cranked out by a aficionado. It just reaks of that kind of "style".
According to the person I spoke with at MTA it's the product of a campaign being run by CSX, the freight transportation company which owns the rail lines MARC operates on.
Which also explains the complete lack of MARC/MTA branding and iconography on the poster.
The rep who spoke with me sounded fairly non-plussed about the campaign as a whole as well.
Personally, I suspect it was cranked out by a aficionado. It just reaks of that kind of "style".
I think it's sad that so many people here start their statements with "well, i hate communism" or "i despise communists". I mean, communism is a great ideology, just doesn't work in practice. Most of those who insult it don't really know anything about it, just what's pumped out of the U.S. propaganda machine. I'm proud of my country, but that doesn't mean everything else is despicable. Knowledge over fear.
San Francisco Muni has security posters with a phone number to report "anything unusual". Come on, every bus has at least one mental case on it, and then there's the time the guy with the loose colostomy bag got on.
I'm not sure who answers the phone. A few years ago it would have been Herb Caen, but he's dead now.
I'm not sure who answers the phone. A few years ago it would have been Herb Caen, but he's dead now.
Like the airports and their silly security procedures, is the poster supposed to give all of us law abiding, tax paying, troop supporting, puppy loving, non-evil doers a sense of feeling like we can do anything about it? The ironic part is that crazy Frenchman who wrote that great book about us was right...sad to be alive during the final decline of this great country.
Christians, awake, arise, and be ready. The Antichrist will arise from amongst you and most of you will embrace him even as the citizens of totalitarian régimes usually embrace their dictators.
At least that's what the future looks like from outside of America.
At least that's what the future looks like from outside of America.
Christians, awake, arise, and be ready. The Antichrist will arise from amongst you and most of you will embrace him even as the citizens of totalitarian régimes usually embrace their dictators.
I mean that’s what it looks like from outside of America.
I mean that’s what it looks like from outside of America.
I distinctly recall that this style of art, which I understand to be called 'Socialist Realism ' was briefly in vogue here in the west as recently as ten years ago. It is vaguely art-deco and not without a certain appeal. And yes, it is reminiscent of WPA mural work from the thirties, good point.
The creepiest thing about it is the fact that the guy in the front there looks exactly like me. How did they do that?
"Lately, the MTA has received a number of inquiries from MARC riders concerning the "Watch, Ride & Report" poster which was commissioned by CSX last year.
MARC contracts with CSX for its commuter rail service on the Brunswick & Camden Lines. Both lines are owned and operated by CSX.
CSX has displayed the poster at its facilities during the last year as part of its campaign to promote passenger security awareness."
Rather than posting completely unfounded remarks about an item nobody has bothered to rersearch, spend your time more constructively on positive pursuits.
MARC contracts with CSX for its commuter rail service on the Brunswick & Camden Lines. Both lines are owned and operated by CSX.
CSX has displayed the poster at its facilities during the last year as part of its campaign to promote passenger security awareness."
Rather than posting completely unfounded remarks about an item nobody has bothered to rersearch, spend your time more constructively on positive pursuits.
Did they have a contact at CSX? I'd like to track the source down as I have the "I wanna's" on these.
According to the person I spoke with at MTA it's the product of a campaign being run by CSX...
According to the person I spoke with at MTA it's the product of a campaign being run by CSX...
It is real. It was created by "The Robin Shepherd Group" for CSX. Here is the link to the Silver ADDY Award that it won from the American Advertising Federation
'Just look at every communist society we've heard about.'
Check your definitions. There has never been a communist society. they may have used the lie that they lived under communism, but that doesn't make it so. Stalinism, which is how the Soviet union functioned for a long time (as well as many others) involves the 'Dictatorship of the Proteliariat'- i.e. totalitarianism. These dictators and groups like the Khmer Rouge, Stalin and Kim Jong Il all work along the same principle- 'we know whats best for you'. this is not communist thinking (taking into point the AMAZING idea that Stalin didn't actually procure the idea of communism, but Marx and Engels.
At no point has there ever been a communist system. There have been (minor) socialist beuracracies (can't spell that, sorry) and 'worker's states. Of course if you are meaning to criticise the Soviet system, which under the Stalin period killed millions, then go straight ahead. It wasn't a communist state (a communist state is an oxymoron- communism is a worldwide thing, no states)
Don't make a revered piece of philosophy into what the dictators would have wanted.
Check your definitions. There has never been a communist society. they may have used the lie that they lived under communism, but that doesn't make it so. Stalinism, which is how the Soviet union functioned for a long time (as well as many others) involves the 'Dictatorship of the Proteliariat'- i.e. totalitarianism. These dictators and groups like the Khmer Rouge, Stalin and Kim Jong Il all work along the same principle- 'we know whats best for you'. this is not communist thinking (taking into point the AMAZING idea that Stalin didn't actually procure the idea of communism, but Marx and Engels.
At no point has there ever been a communist system. There have been (minor) socialist beuracracies (can't spell that, sorry) and 'worker's states. Of course if you are meaning to criticise the Soviet system, which under the Stalin period killed millions, then go straight ahead. It wasn't a communist state (a communist state is an oxymoron- communism is a worldwide thing, no states)
Don't make a revered piece of philosophy into what the dictators would have wanted.
The poster it emulates is from the Paris 1924 Olymics not Berlin 1936. You can see it reproduced in the training room Ben Cross uses in 'Chariots of Fire'.
the red color is leading everyone to think "communist" - if it were blue instead, it would be "american" The style is definitly '30's, though.
The Soviet system was a good try at improving life for people, and actually did bring considerable progress to Russia. That's why it's not comparable to Nazism--if there's anything good to be said about the period of Hitler's rule, I don't know what it is.
No, I don't like the Soviet's excesses, either--two of my teenage heros were Solzhenitsyn and, later, Sakharov. But you have to compare it to what went before. Nazism destroyed a functioning democracy, and that was just for starters.
No, I don't like the Soviet's excesses, either--two of my teenage heros were Solzhenitsyn and, later, Sakharov. But you have to compare it to what went before. Nazism destroyed a functioning democracy, and that was just for starters.
Not that I want to play devil's advocate, but Hitler took a broken country with a shafted economy and turned it into one of the pre-eminent forces on the planet.
"A functioning democracy"? Hardly: the first world war left Germany in socio-economic ruins. The punitive measures taken by the Good Guys(tm) and the after-effects of the war led directly to the rise of Hitler.
Why do you think so many Germans allowed themselves to be swept along? He improved their quality of life *vastly*, he told them that there was a simple answer to the problems of poverty and unemployment, he embarked on an incredibly ambitious plan for reform of German infrastructure, and he gave them back their national pride.
It's quite surprising how effective a leader you can be if you're willing to ignore the usual social norms.
"A functioning democracy"? Hardly: the first world war left Germany in socio-economic ruins. The punitive measures taken by the Good Guys(tm) and the after-effects of the war led directly to the rise of Hitler.
Why do you think so many Germans allowed themselves to be swept along? He improved their quality of life *vastly*, he told them that there was a simple answer to the problems of poverty and unemployment, he embarked on an incredibly ambitious plan for reform of German infrastructure, and he gave them back their national pride.
It's quite surprising how effective a leader you can be if you're willing to ignore the usual social norms.
ha ha ha....being a designer myself i have to agree with bellman....this has to be some guerilla art or some art director REALLY forgot his/her design history...
Just want to add that there is a communist society called the kibitzim and they manage to exist in a capitalist country and they are extremely successful. You should look them up. Communism means everyone works for the common good, there's nothing evil about it. When it's imposed by a government, then that's not communism. I don't understand how many people can say they hate communists when they don't even know what communism means. Our government right now fits the bill of fascists with totalitarian leanings. Go look up that definition.
Whether or not this particular poster is real, I can tell you there are many posters with the same message, if not the same artwork style, in subways and buses all over Boston.
how did the cold war end? we traded places with the soviets. we have our futile war and occupation, we have dogma and orthodoxy ruling the land, we have dynastic leadership, oh and yes we have gulags ALL over the world, welcome to the new world order
Oh goody, permission to turn in the next person who tics me off with too much perfume, a too big backpak or ugly shoes.
No inappropriate laughter , please.
No inappropriate laughter , please.
The NYC subway's version of this poster is a cryptic, "if you see something, say something." They don't tell you what they mean, what to look for, or what to do about it (beyond find a cop), but it does include a phone number.
While I understand (and agree with) how weird it is to see a poster that absolutely screams "totalitarian Mother Russia" on a Marc train, the point they're trying to make is a good one.
Having lived overseas for many years, and upon return to the States, I was horrified to see how clueless Americans are about basic security. I was walking across 42nd Street directly in front of Grand Central Station one day and a man was hunched over in a corner, trying to light something on fire...and New Yorkers just walked on by without blinking. Having lived in a country under constant attack from terrorists, I ran into a hotel and found security, who called the police. Now it turned out that he was a wacko trying to light his jeans on fire, but it could very easily have been a bomb. And I hate to say it, but one day it will be a bomb. With the exception of two or three major incidents, we've been very lucky in the U.S. to have avoided the kind of constant streetside bombings they've had in England (IRA), Iraq (who the heck knows), Israel (Palestinian terrorists), Italy, Spain, France, Germany etc etc etc etc etc. Unless Americans wake up and start noticing their surroundings, noticing when there's luggage sitting in a train station with no owner attached to it or bags sitting on a train unattached to a person.... It's scary to realize how little people are paying attention. And yes, I know I'm paranoid, but until you've lived in the middle of it, hold your judgment.
All that being said, somebody was clearly asleep at the wheel when they approved the design of that poster.
While I understand (and agree with) how weird it is to see a poster that absolutely screams "totalitarian Mother Russia" on a Marc train, the point they're trying to make is a good one.
Having lived overseas for many years, and upon return to the States, I was horrified to see how clueless Americans are about basic security. I was walking across 42nd Street directly in front of Grand Central Station one day and a man was hunched over in a corner, trying to light something on fire...and New Yorkers just walked on by without blinking. Having lived in a country under constant attack from terrorists, I ran into a hotel and found security, who called the police. Now it turned out that he was a wacko trying to light his jeans on fire, but it could very easily have been a bomb. And I hate to say it, but one day it will be a bomb. With the exception of two or three major incidents, we've been very lucky in the U.S. to have avoided the kind of constant streetside bombings they've had in England (IRA), Iraq (who the heck knows), Israel (Palestinian terrorists), Italy, Spain, France, Germany etc etc etc etc etc. Unless Americans wake up and start noticing their surroundings, noticing when there's luggage sitting in a train station with no owner attached to it or bags sitting on a train unattached to a person.... It's scary to realize how little people are paying attention. And yes, I know I'm paranoid, but until you've lived in the middle of it, hold your judgment.
All that being said, somebody was clearly asleep at the wheel when they approved the design of that poster.
It's said that time changes everything. The process is usually slow and insidious. This poster is most likely a test baloon to see what the reaction of Americans is. If properly tolerated (as it probably will be), the next step will take place, most likely in the form of more posters aimed at fostering suspision of Americans for each other. This has the mark of Karl Rove. This is how it all got started in Germany all those years ago. Don't think so? Read your history.
Doctor Who | Ebooks | The Scales of Injustice
Episode Six
'One of our major discoveries.' Baal entered the lab from the direction of Marc Marshall's cell. 'The Apes have yet to synthesize anything similar. It has staunched her bleeding and should help to heal the wound. It is semiorganic, this version carrying a form of antiseptic through its strands. We can adapt it to carry anything we need: heat, light, even antibiotics.'
The Doctor gently touched the material. It pulsated slightly. 'It's alive?'
Episode Six
'One of our major discoveries.' Baal entered the lab from the direction of Marc Marshall's cell. 'The Apes have yet to synthesize anything similar. It has staunched her bleeding and should help to heal the wound. It is semiorganic, this version carrying a form of antiseptic through its strands. We can adapt it to carry anything we need: heat, light, even antibiotics.'
The Doctor gently touched the material. It pulsated slightly. 'It's alive?'
Communism? Wasn't that the form of government practiced by pre-Columbusian American Indian tribes?
Doesn't seem so bad - certainly doesn't rank up there with salem witch trials! Any form of government can be oppressive - even democracy (eg pre-Lincolnian slavery)
Let he who is without sin cast the first ICBM (and that's not you George Bush)
Doesn't seem so bad - certainly doesn't rank up there with salem witch trials! Any form of government can be oppressive - even democracy (eg pre-Lincolnian slavery)
Let he who is without sin cast the first ICBM (and that's not you George Bush)
I'm reminded of what iread about the Jews who said it could never happen to them in Germany and then they lost their freedoms and over 16,000 0r more were randomly excuted or burned in the ovens. Now we live in 2005, and these posters have emerged. I understand our need for homeland security, but at what cost? Am I suppose to look at each person wearing a tuban on his head and think "Oh My God, I think he might be a terrorist I should report him." Or any female that wears a Sari should send me running to the local Defense office to report her because she's brown skinned and wearing a Sari? Should I report every dark haired brown skinned Arab kid who plays soccer on the streets because I feel he might be plotting some terroistic plot to blow up an apartment building with his soccer ball? See this is what President Bush and Donald Rumsfield want you to feel. They want you to feel fear!
Here I thought we were (just) living in Bush's new Amerika - just like Hitler's Germany. Thank God it is only like Stalin's Russia...
I don't like living this way with daily color codes and U.S. body counts from Iraq from a war that WE (the U.S.) STARTED! How about the rest of you??? I liked it better when we had peace and the only thing to hit the airwaves was Monica's famous blowjob. (Big deal!) Clinton's tenure was utopia compared to what we have now.
If this poster is asking us to report the masterminds of terrorism, let's start with the Number One terrorist residing in the White House. I've had it with Bush and his evil empire. It's time to remove them all... in haste!
I don't like living this way with daily color codes and U.S. body counts from Iraq from a war that WE (the U.S.) STARTED! How about the rest of you??? I liked it better when we had peace and the only thing to hit the airwaves was Monica's famous blowjob. (Big deal!) Clinton's tenure was utopia compared to what we have now.
If this poster is asking us to report the masterminds of terrorism, let's start with the Number One terrorist residing in the White House. I've had it with Bush and his evil empire. It's time to remove them all... in haste!
I've really enjoyed reading all your comments. Americans are not asleep at the wheel. We're just waiting for the chance to do something about the current regime that needs changing in Washington. Voting reform is the single most important issue we face today. We have to get private companies out of the picture and go back to simple hand counted ballots. The challenge is getting this issue out of the hands of the criminals who make those decisions.
As far as the poster goes, it sends a chilling message of which we'll probably be seeing more and more of, the longer this regime is in power. The tragedy is so many Americans will take it's message seriously. Fear is such a contagious condition and too many people allow themselves to be led blindly by the demented minds that come up with such a campaign.
If you want to do something about it, get invoved in election reform and sign up with the Velvet Revolution, whose involved in cleaning up our broken election system (among other things). There are enough of us to take back this country but it'll never happen if our vote doesn't count.
As far as the poster goes, it sends a chilling message of which we'll probably be seeing more and more of, the longer this regime is in power. The tragedy is so many Americans will take it's message seriously. Fear is such a contagious condition and too many people allow themselves to be led blindly by the demented minds that come up with such a campaign.
If you want to do something about it, get invoved in election reform and sign up with the Velvet Revolution, whose involved in cleaning up our broken election system (among other things). There are enough of us to take back this country but it'll never happen if our vote doesn't count.
Of course its designed to instill fear. "Fear is the mindkiller." and the folks that want us afraid don't want us thinking.
It's real, I saw it at the Rockville Station just yesterday. It's really no creepier than your average WPA poster, and it's so vague that it doesn't instill fear, or even get any real message across. It's just an eye-catching bit of public art.
If you want these posters to come down just call and report suspicious behavior. Be sure to mention the poster. After a few hundred calls they will all be ripped down. They don't REALLY want you to call and bother them. By the time anyone would respond any would be bomber will have detonated himself.
I'd like to thank you for posting the original, so I could get myself into sufficient late 80s trouble with a remix.
I swear, I saw the hair as I photoshopped it the second I saw the master image
I swear, I saw the hair as I photoshopped it the second I saw the master image
From a CSX internal email:
I have just learned that I should not allow any of these posters out.
Apparently, there is some controversy & the group plans to come up with a new poster. I can let you know when I get some new ones.
Yet another example of blogging power.
I have just learned that I should not allow any of these posters out.
Apparently, there is some controversy & the group plans to come up with a new poster. I can let you know when I get some new ones.
Yet another example of blogging power.
This all very interesting, but the one thing that keeps popping into my head is "I was totally off on the last part. We HAVE to do the bass over again."
Sign of the times. What next? Start putting the signs together, people. Do you wanna live in fear your whole lives?
That isn't REAL, is it? Bloody hell! Comrade Bush has gone too far!
And there's nothing inherently evil about the concept of communism; it's simply a political system that doesn't work properly, like libretarianism and pure capitalism.
And there's nothing inherently evil about the concept of communism; it's simply a political system that doesn't work properly, like libretarianism and pure capitalism.
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Hi, I found this thread via another board while searching for this very type of poster. While Soviet Era propagandists used similar posters for motivation. This style is quite common to those used by other propadanda organizations in the USA, Spain, Britain etc before and during WWII. I'm sure the artist drew on the WWII poster genre for inspiration. The originals posters drew their inspiration from Art Deco architecture and Industrial Designers of the era. The idea was to inspire hope for the future through industrial/agricultural progress.
The Big Brother message in the poster in question is downright alarming to me.
The Big Brother message in the poster in question is downright alarming to me.
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>I love it. I certainly dispise communism but I loved the artwork - in
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Oi, amen to that. I never did like the Soviets, but the futuristic un-outlined sharp-angled style I've always been a fan of.
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Oi, amen to that. I never did like the Soviets, but the futuristic un-outlined sharp-angled style I've always been a fan of.
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Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
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Look on the Internet for hints and recommendations when you are starting to play a game. When you can't get past a particular level, it can be greatly irritating, and result in a lack of desire to play it further. This will help you to get to the next level and enjoy the rest of the game.
Watch your body when you play online gaming. If you are playing video games, try sitting on a exercise ball to help you maintain proper posture. Also, be sure and take regular breaks and stretch every so often.
You are able to get your rest when you die! If you have used this statement before to justify your game playing, you are not alone as many believe it to be true. However, this is false! Make sure you get a good eight hours snooze time in each night, to be ready and able to strategize yourself to the next level!
If you come across a difficult game that is causing you to feel frustrated, it is a good idea to put it aside for awhile and return to it later. If you're not playing particularly well, try switching to another game to avoid frustration. Avoid frustration as it can negate the positive aspects of gaming.
Check out ratings when buying games for children. There is a big reason why video games have these ratings. If the game has a rating of M or A, you should not buy it for your kids. The ESRB website will provide more information about the video rating system.
Keep your children safe in terms of online gaming. Pay attention to the people they play with. Some people use online gaming in order to manipulate young children. It is important to protect kids when they are gaming online by being aware of whom they are playing with.
If buying a game for a kid, make sure you solicit multiple opinions. There are many things that determine what is age appropriate. You should only buy the game after doing your research.
There are some educational online games. These games are a safe bet for young children. Titles aimed at older children or adults often contain violence or other content unsuitable for children. Check out online reviews from other parents so you can discover appropriate games for your child. Purchase only these games.
Check the Internet for suggestions and tricks for you favorite games. When you get stuck somewhere in a game, it can frustrate you and maybe even make you give up. Consulting a walkthrough or asking other gamers on a message board is the surest way to conquer that tough level and start enjoying the game again.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
You already know how much fun you can have playing computer games. People from all over the world get great joy from video gaming. Now that you have had a chance to look through these recommendations, you probably feel that you know a lot more about gaming. Good luck to you!
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