Saturday, September 10, 2005
Weekend Music
Since it's a weekend of musical events for me, with the DCist Katrina Benefit last night and Bluestate tonight, plus playing with my new toy all last week (and far into the future!), I decided to mention some stuff I've been digging, and hopefully introduce some sciencey types out there to some really good stuff (yes, I'm a musical evangelist. Deal with it.):
- The Magnetic Fields. Granted, almost everything Stephin Merrit's ever touched has been gold, but "Reno Dakota" really just might be the perfect pop song.
- Self. Speaking of guys who can rarely do any wrong in my book, we have Matt Mahaffey. He even made his latest efforts free for download. My current faves are "With You Somehow" and "Busy Sending Me," though as usual, it's all awesome.
- Serge Gainsbourg. Not only did he manage to piss off just about everyone in the world, but he did it all with such gorgeously sculpted songs. "Marilu" is tamely evil, "Ford Mustang" is a raunchy laugh, and "Je t' non plus" ... well, you really don't need to speak French to get this one.