Thursday, July 29, 2004
Sensible Friends
The field of psychology has not always been friendly to gays and lesbians...homosexuality was classified as a disorder until very recently, "curative therapies" still abound, etc.
It should, however, come as little surprise that the APA has finally come around, and today announced its support of gay marriage, albeit in a very safe and almost apolitical manner. They say it's a mental health issue. Married people are healthier, and discrimination is an unnecessary stress. Fine. I'll take what allies I can get these days.
You are getting verrrry sleepyy...
Actually, I am very sleepy. Was at work till
When you exercise, however, it turns out that your brain is what makes you feel tired, as opposed to your muscles. The hormone Interleukin 6 (IL6) was elevated in athletes after a big workout, and injecting them with it made them feel tired. So just like Coach said: it's all in you head!
This month, researchers have identified a gene, fruitless, in fruit flies, that directs growth of a certain nerve bundle that hardwires their courtship and copulation activities. Without it, the male flies just sortof force themselves on the females, to no real avail.
Maybe they should have called the gene Fratboy.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
All The Pretty Colors...
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Life in DC
I'm guessing "OWG" is either a tourist or distant suburbanite who doesn't ride Metro much, and either way has been listing to too much Cosby. Frankly he got lucky: if he'd pulled that shit on the Green line.....heheh.
Shit. I like having an espresso after dinner. Damn.
New Alternatives, Again
Most people think of aloe as something they put on sunburns. It works well for that, yes, but it also has many other healing properties: it's a good general analgesic, a digestive stimulant and gentle laxative, and, it turns out, a life-saving treatment for shock. UPMC researchers found that an aloe extract, injected into animals with severe blood loss, significantly increased survival times and rates. The release talks mainly about battlefield applications (sad that this is how most life-saving research gets funded), but the implications for more every-day trauma treatment are incredible. The slightest increase in the time an ambulance has to get a victim to the hospital would hugely improve outcomes.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Fair Compensation
Via Grahmazon, an outline of a Business Week article that says what we all know is true anyway: taking good care of your workers is good for business.
Die Walton, die.
First Words
A senior astronomer at the SETI Institute has decided that we'll detect intelligent life in our galaxy within 20 years. This is a bloody stupid thing to say, and I assume he's just low on funding (a condition an excited public can greatly improve). As I've written before, it bugs me to no end the singularity with which people in this field seem to ignore the (overwhelmingly likely) possibility that alien life will look and act nothing like life on Earth. This article does in fact bring up that point, for which I give New Scientist lots of credit.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
"Bitter." Or, "Why I'm Still Single."
And Top.
I try to at least vary my vices from day to day, as I get easily irritated with the drama. I guess I'm the eigth type: Picky.
We all have our moments, but it's bloody difficult to find guys in this town who don't fit one of these archetypes to a depressing tee.
Friday, July 23, 2004
It's a big week for kids, in Scienceland!
They also found that kids had better memory of stimuli used in the reasoning test, due to having examined the pictures more carefully to determine similarity than adults, who simply decided 'that's a cat' (or not) and moved on. It's always so amazing how much we change as we grow up...I've always loved developmental psych and neuroscience.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Walk Like A (Wo)Man
Brain areas related to bipedalism? What genes may have been turned on or off to make it happen? I cannot wait for further reports.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Who Loves the Kids?
The real test of this will of course be if Michael Jackson gets elected to office: he's more or less in both of those categories, and we know about his thing for kids.
Bigger Brains
There's been long debate as to whether or not brain size is related to intelligence, between humans (it clearly is related on a gross, cross-species level). New research, however, indicates that it's not overall size, but the size of certain areas that's important. My neuroanatomy skills are not what they once were, but the areas in question look like they may include the dorsolateral prefrontal and (rostral?) prefrontal cortex, the striatum, and Broca's area. This is really interesting, though in a more nice-to-know way than anything having therapeutic potential.
Scary new fad potential: scanning kids' brains in place of preschool entrance exams!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
I don't really have much to say about these. Pot laws piss me off and the lack of laws governing Pharma does too. Perhaps someday we'll all wake up and have sensible rules guiding our lives...or may be not.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Fatty McAtkins
With all the furor going around about the Atkins Diet, which may or may not be more effective than 'traditional' low-fat diets (or even effective at all), but is almost certainly rough on your kidneys, it's nice to have some science.
A group of French researchers did a long-term study of high-protein diets in Wistar rats, which are prone to obesity. They found no ill-effects of the diet, even to the kidneys, and even found improvements in triglyceride, leptin, and insulin levels, as well as glucose tolerance.
However. I'm not sure how good these data are...there doesn’t seem to have been a proper control group. A no-protein diet is going is going to compare to a high-protein one very differently than a regular, mid-protein one. That said, I'd expect the differences to be really big. I look forward to more of these studies.
Friday, July 16, 2004
*More* Men from Mars, etc.
(via TNH)
Old Dogs New Tricks, Continued
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Eat Yer Niacin!
So do yourself(and your parents!) a favor, and get them (and you) plenty of niacin!!
"Protecting" Marriage
/very cranky this morning
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Old Theory Resurfacing?
It turns out that when too much UV light falls onto plankton in the ocean, they release a chemical which evaporates and catalyzes cloud formation, lowering UV levels. Which is very similar to what Lovelock's daisies do. Except no one can yet prove that they do this in [conscious] concert with other organisms. Still cool though.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Kerry Health
Men from Mars, Women from Venus, More Men from X
During migratory seasons, they sleep 85% less than at other times, and exhibit much shorter REM sleep latencies, less slow-wave sleep, and (possibly) increased HPA function. Does this combo sound familiar? It should: these are all symptoms of people with bipolar and depressive disorders. Tons of interesting research potential there, too!
I just want a 'bird pill' to make me need less sleep...but first we have to find a way to avoid being drowsy all the time (which the birds are), because even without the cognitive problems I associate with being drowsy, it's no fun.
Friday, July 09, 2004
Brains Again
Serotonin is, as everyone now knows thanks to marketing campaigns for SSRIs, very important to many brain functions, including mood and appetite and cognition. Given this, there's lots of interest in why some people have more or less than others. Duke researchers have found an allelic(!) gene for an enzyme which directly affects serotonin levels in mouse brains. Plenty of coolness here.
Fatty McOversized McDrunk
A compound which may be found in red wine, resveratrol, seems to increase the activity of SIRT1, which needs a cooler name. Increased SIRT1 has been found to increase fat metabolism and inhibit fat cell formation. Woo-hoo!! More red wine and chocolate!
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Seeing and Standing
End of the World
I think it's a very cool idea, but I have to say I rather hope no monks in neighboring Tibet catch on to the idea. Anyone who's read a certain story by Arthur C. Clarke will know what I mean.
Calling All Hypochondriacs!!
Yes, maybe one person will go to his or her doctor and find a real problem, but with that one there will be hundreds who go and spend unnecessary time and money and doctors' resources. A simple informative quiz would be better: 'which of the following things is good for reducing X risk?' followed by explanations of responses. It'll still send some people to their doctors, but fewer, and also they'll have some good information even if they don't go.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
of human stupidity. Harlan Ellison once wrote that it was, along with
Hydrogen, one of the two most common elements in the universe. Today's
health news supports this theory:
Rich parents are most likely to refuse to immunize their children. Poor people can't
afford it, that's simple, but ferfuckssake if you refuse to immunize
your kid for any reason (yeah, Ok, some people have religious beliefs
but those are stupid too), your genes clearly are not fit to pass
HIV/AIDS infection rates are way up worldwide. There is no excuse for this disease. And again,
it is largely the religious fuckwits to blame for propagating it: they
don't want to talk about sex, they don't want people using condoms and
lie about their effectiveness, they insist on meritless abstinence-only
education. If we had a serious discourse and prevention plan in place,There. Would. Be. No.
Tomatoes against AIDS?
As interesting an idea as this is, and as cool as it sounds, I can smell the DOQRAPS from here.
Vaccines beat Polio, not HIV
"Epidemic: The Spreading" anyone?
I Can See The Light!
Memories.... (continued)
This is exciting, but not as much so as it may sound. I'm not clear that CBP's effects are specific to memory (they may be, but the release doesn't say), so it could be more germane to gene regulation in general. CBP acetylates lysine on histones, facilitating the unwinding of chromatin to allow for gene transcription and protein production. Mice who have CBP function knocked out have trouble forming long-term memories. Interesting.
The best line in the release, however, is:
Histones are the fashion mavens of the molecular worldÂthey must be wearing something.Heehee.
New Alternatives - The Other Side
Recent research has found some disturbing effects: Herbal diet supplements often contain ingredients which seem to harm the liver and kidneys; St. Johns Wort alters the bioavailability of other medications. St. Johns Wort is one of the most dangerous of the herbal remedies, because it's used so widely and is so potent. It's a MAOI, which have many dangerous side effects, though most people using SJW are unaware of these risks, or the precautions necessary to avoid them.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Friday, July 02, 2004
Coyote Gonna Get Ugly
(with thanks to Dr. Wircus)
Why Didn't I Think of That?
Phantoms in the Brain
And research published today shows how some of those things work, in the brain: the premotor cortex seems to develop self-identification not by a separate process, but by synthesis of multi-modal sensory information.
Cheap Contacts
Because of this, I'm thrilled to hear about the FTC's latest new rules requiring that lens prescribers give written prescriptions to patients, and verify prescriptions to third-party (e.g., online) sellers.
Now I just need to find time to *go* to the optometrist!
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Who Wants To Live Forever?
The Cure!!!
Stronger Bones
Alcohol consumption may protect womens' bones, according to a new study. Of course the effect is small and only for moderate consumption, so the above is just sarcasm, but it's an interesting new development. Osteoporosis is a costly problem (leads to man of those annoying 'I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up 911 calls), and potential new treatments would be lovely.